Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The 'World' has shrunk; we can no longer exclude 'The People' of the World.

The World has shrunk; we can no longer exclude 'The Peoples' of the World from our 'attempts' to 'Govern' people, instead of 'Ruling' People, and Excluding them from a Democratic form of Government. Notice how some Autocracies call themselves 'Democratic", when in fact they are Autocratic. But, also notice how some so-called 'Democracies' exclude some Human Beings (Children and so-called 'Immigrants) from Individual and Familial attempts to live 'better' Lives and 'Politically', to live a more Democratic life by immigrating into a Democratic Society. This exclusion is based solely on the fact that they were born within the Borders of a different 'Political Entity'. The old saying "we are all in the same boat" has to change to "We are all on the same Planet". Political 'Exclusion', in any Form, is actually a 'form of discrimination'; a form of 'Racial' and 'Exclusionary' Discrimination. How sad; People come to a 'so-called Democracy' and children are separated from their Families and placed in 'cages'; all this under the 'Authority' of the 'so-called' 'Law of the Land'. Of course, the 'Law of the Land' actually protects the Equality and Freedom of all 'Human Beings' and not just those born within its Borders. Instead of 'building Walls' we must think of a way to 'knock down walls' and begin to see that all Human Beings are entitled to 'Equality and Freedom'. That's the 'Real Problem'. 'Strong Political identity' and isolationism must stop. Every Political Entity is 'man made'. The 'Human Condition' is not 'man made'. The goal of every Political Entity should be to include more and more 'Human Beings' within their Borders. If Humans seek to live in one Nation instead of Another, the human desire and wish to do so should be respected. We need better Immigration laws and we need to stop functioning as 'Economic Entities' and begin to function as 'Democratic Entities'. Even our so-called 'Democracies' need to become 'Real Democracies' instead of 'CEO's' functioning as Autocrats. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.