Thursday, December 20, 2018

A Democratic Government is a Government "of the People", "by the People" and "for the People".

A Democratic Government is a Government "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People". That's why 'the People' or the 'Bottom' of the 'Polity' are very important. The essence and function of Government is 'to Govern'. It has no 'other' function. But, consider the 'importance' of People to a 'Government', particularly to a 'Democratic Form' of Government, and you begin to see the 'importance' of 'democracy' as a 'Manner' of Governing. The Bottom, or, The Many, or the 'Condition of Togetherness' which 'constitutes it', includes 'Millions of Individuals', or, to say it 'differently', includes the 'so-called', 'Many'. The different Forms of Government is an attempt to resolve the 'Ancient Problematic' of the 'One' and 'the Many', but they are all 'partial solutions'. I say 'partial' because that's not the 'end' of the Problem; that's the 'beginning'. Why? It seems that the Problematic is in creating a 'difference' between a 'Top' and a 'Bottom' and then questioning the 'competence', or 'authority' of the Top to Govern the Bottom, which happens to be the 'same' as the 'Millions of Individuals' at the Bottom. The Problematic creates a relation between 'One Individual' at the Top of 'Power'and the 'Many Individuals' at the Bottom, who are to be Governed. But, it seems that the Problem is to recognize that something is 'missing' or that something is 'needed' to justify 'Governing'. That missing link is that 'something must be created by Human Beings' to justify 'One' or 'Several Individuals' Governing the 'whole Bottom' of the Polity. Governments are 'not Natural', they are 'creations' by 'Unique Human Beings', or, if I may, the 'Unique Human Spirit'. Government is a man made 'Political Institution'. Government is not Natural, in the sense that its established by Nature. It must be 'Crafted' and as a 'construction' all 'Unique Human Characteristics'and all Political Factors' must be included. That means, the 'Uniqueness' of the 'Human Condition' and the 'Similarity and Equality' of each and every real Individual in the Polity. If all Individuals are the 'Same' and 'Unique', no 'One Individual' is 'Superior' to the 'Other'. Hence, no 'One' has a 'Natural Right' to 'Govern' and 'all Governments' should consider the 'Unique Human Condition' in their 'Construction' of a 'Polity'. That means all Political Entities should be Democratic. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.