Friday, May 10, 2019

'Governing' with 'Business Principles' can destroy 'Democracy'.

Governing with 'Business Principles' can destroy Democracy. Why? Because 'Business' is motored by the 'energy of Profits' and 'democracy' is motored by the 'Energy' of 'Freedom and Equality'. No Corporate 'Business' continues to exist if its not making 'Profits'. 'More and More' of the 'Same', or Money, leads to Autocracy, Plutocracy or Oligarchy and that is Government 'of the Few', 'by the Few', and 'For the Few'. Democratic Governing is the establishment of Social Institutions and Laws that permits the 'People at the Bottom' to live and express their 'Freedom and Equality'. But, there's always a few People at the Bottom who establish 'Huge Corporations' to conduct Economic Businesses with them. This creates an 'Economic Imbalance' in the 'Social' and at the 'Bottom' because a 'Real Human Person' cannot compete with a Huge 'Economic Corporate Entity' defined by the Supreme Court as also 'a Person' ( known as a Legal Fiction and that only exists in contemplation of Law) that is, in fact, 'not' a 'Real Human Person'. The 'Social' becomes 'Peopled' by 'Real People', like You and I, and by 'Legal Fictions' protected by the Constitution, and that only exist 'in contemplation of Law'. It wont take long for the Real Human Beings to realize that in a 'Corporate Society', the Real Individual is the 'Employee' and the 'Corporation' is the 'Employer'. Today, Now, 'Legal Fictions' set the 'momentum' for Economic Activity which creates a 'Social Cleavage' and 'sets standards' between 'Employers and Employees', 'Haves' and 'Have-nots, 'Owners and Workers' in the Social. This Social Phenomena creates 'impressions' of 'Divisions' in the 'Real Human Condition' that are not real, and huge 'accumulations' of 'value and money' that creates impressions of being 'motored' by 'Greed'. When 'Fictional Economic Entities', sets standards of 'economic duality', of success/failure, of haves and have-nots; they are also setting standards that create 'divisions' in the 'Human Condition', the 'Equality' of the 'Human Condition', and the Freedom in the Human condition. When a 'Corporate Society' overlays a 'Democratic Social' the 'Real Individuals' in the Social can 'lose' their 'Freedom and Equality'. Business is a necessary Part of every Society, it can produce 'Lots', but it 'cannot Drive' a Democracy. Freedom and Equality 'cannot' be attenuated or 'Divided'. You either have it or you don't. Where are the Real politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.