Saturday, June 8, 2019

No One can 'drive' a 'Democratic Political Entity' with only a 'Capitalistic Motor'.

No One can 'drive' a 'Democratic Political Entity' with only a 'Capitalistic Motor'. The'Two Activities' are entirely 'different' from each other and each requires 'energizing' by 'its own' Separate Motor. Of course, the Economy is energized by the 'Capitalistic Motor' and the Democratic Political Entity is energized by 'Freedom and Equality' of 'Each and Every' 'Real Individual' at the Bottom of the Political Entity. Governing Democratically does not require 'Profits', but a successful Capitalistic endeavor does. In a Democracy both are essential but they cannot be 'inextricably mixed' or 'misused'. So, why do these Two Basic Impulses' or 'drives' get so entangled? One 'Reason' is that the 'Economy', in general, is very 'Lopsided' and 'Unbalanced'. For example, the Economy established 'Business Corporate entities' or, 'Legal Fictions', that function as 'Persons', and 'who' get 'Legal Protection' from the 'Courts' and the 'Constitution'. No 'Real Human Being' can compete with a 'Legal fiction'. Its too 'Big to Fail'. The 'Economic Grasp' of the Corporation is 'huge' and if an 'Important Corporation' is failing, it merely gets help from the Government. Not to mention, that if a 'Corporate Person' is not making enough 'Profits', it can be 'dissolved' and another is 'created' and is given a 'Different Name' and basically 'continues its existence'; a kind of 'Immortality'. But how can it continue its existence? simple, it has the 'Same Owners', or Family Members as did the defunct one. No 'Real Human Being' can compete with that; nor with the 'cumulative Results' of such a 'Continuation'. A successful 'Business Corporation' can exist for over 300 yrs. A 'Business Corporation' has an 'Incomparable Economic Grasp' and, too boot, 'Economic Immortality'. The Political problems arise when Billionaires, Millionaires, the Rich get into Political Office and try to 'drive' a 'Political Entity' with 'Business Principles' or a 'Business Motor', instead of a 'Political Motor' involving Democratic Principles. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.