Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We 'Count' our successes and we 'Feel' our everyday accomplishments.

We 'Count' our 'Successes' and we 'Feel' our 'everyday accomplishments'. But, our 'everyday accomplishments' should include our 'Successes'. There is no need for separation. To separate 'Success' from 'Accomplishment' is to switch 'Vocabulary' in the 'middle of the Day' or the 'middle of the Road'. Of course, that 'still works', and its 'Great', but the 'switch' is a 'Reorientation' and a 'Reflection' from a 'Quantifiable' to a 'Good Feeling'. A Good feeling is an 'Emotional State'; a person Feels Good' or is Sad, unhappy, or feels down, for many different Reasons. That same Person considers H/her Self a Success if H/S has lots of that 'More and more of the Same',i.e., Money. Money is a quantifiable term and belongs 'more' on the 'Economic side' of 'any discussion'. It certainly has its proper place; and I'm not trying to replace it when used properly, but if its misused it can certainly create a depressing 'Feeling State'. But, notice how 'every 'successful Person' seems to equate success with the amount of Money S/he 'Possess'. That would be the 'Forbes List'. That can also be called the 'Haves and the Have-nots'. That's our Social Condition. Also notice that we have a 'Minimum Wage'. Why is that 'necessary' if not for the Fact that 'employers' would Work the 'Working People' to death, or at a very 'Low Wage'. The Top of Government needs 'some Control' over 'those Factors'. We often admire the 'Pyramids' that were build and say we 'couldn't build one of those' today. ( How much were they getting Paid or is that an Issue?) And consider how much Labor was extracted from Black Human Beings in Early America? We need to stop 'counting' and start considering the 'General Welfare'. The 'General Welfare' includes everyone, regardless of Race, Color or Creed and the factor that holds it together is 'Freedom and Equality'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.