Wednesday, June 27, 2012

There is a great difference in viewing the Constitution as a purely linguistic document and viewing it as a linguistic document with an underlying form that is geometric or mathmatical. The goal of interpretive practices is to formulate a viable means of interpretation. Hence, if perceived as purely linguistic, it can succumb to the Linguistic Turn. If viewed as a document with an underlying form, the interpretive practice will attempt to establish, as a begining point, the nature of that form. If the interpretive practice perceives that its nature has geometric aspects, it will attempt to retain and elaborate that aspect.Isn't that what interpretation is all about? Isn't it necessary to get underneath or behind the words? If so, where and what do we look for? Underlying the language layer of any document is the form of the document. Form speaks to tensions and balances. The top of triadic government is abstract and can be delineated by means of language, but the bottom is not abstract and must be described and studied as a multitude of real, concrete individuals.Each has a life and government cannot disregard the sanctity of that life. The act of government is merely a delineation of the structure by which it regulates the movements of the individuals at the bottom while at the same time respecting the freedom and equality of each. The difference between the Top and the Bottom is what creates the tension between the two levels. Truly, the Top speaks but the bottom lives. The sides of the triadic structure insures complete compliance with the Constitution; it monitors the real relation between the abstract top and the real bottom.If any branch of government must be objective, its the Judicial. It cannot engage in Party politics. Its sole purpose is to monitor the relation between the top and the bottom as set out in the Constitution. Its role is interpretive. It has no power. But, in order to hold the integrity of triadic government, its decrees must be enforceable. The top has power to govern, the judicial can only interpret but, the bottom has strength in numbers. Freedom to petition the top is freedom to revolution. Too peaceably assemble is a Constitutional right of every individual. The Bottom can talk all day and accomplish nothing. The bottom has no power with words. But, it has great strength with revolution. Occupy Wall street was a revolution.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.