Sunday, June 24, 2012

What is the distinction between a 'purely' verbal description of democracy and a
'verbal' description that includes a numerical reference within the term. Of course,
a democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. The
definition makes it a complete, inclusive, term that applies to everyone. Democracy
is people government. Everyone knows that and everyone claims to believe in
democracy, whether Democrat, Republican, or some other third party. Yet, each
Party supports different platforms; platforms that emphasize different programs 
which purportedly comply with the Constitution; programs that relate to taxes,
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Medical insurance, free speech, religion,
etc.. Office holders and candidates claim to be carrying out democracy when in
fact, they are representing and helping a preferred part of the social. The funny
thing about that is that in order to have gotten in office in the first place was pure
dependence on all the people at the bottom. The most important part of a
government of the people, by the people and for the people is the part that says
it's "for the people". Government is not only for elites, the rich,the corporations,
the males, the females, the gays, or any particular part of the social. Government,
as abstraction, doesn't favor one part of the governed over another part. To do so
is to change from a democracy to a 'power struggle for more power' or a struggle
to amass more money or some advantage by one part of the social over another part
of the same social.
   True, Government belongs at the Top where power resides. But, that power cannot
be used to abuse the bottom of the triad of government. The bottom of the triad is the
People, the most important part of the triad of democratic government. Without the
bottom there is no need for a Top. Without a bottom the people at the Top wouldn't
be in office. "How soon we forget". The power at the Top is granted by the
Constitution, the strength of the bottom is in its numbers. The Constitution gives
strength to the bottom because if "all is not right" at the Top, the bottom has a legal
 right to "assemble" and petition for redress of grievances. In other words, the
bottom has a right to revolution. Our government was the result of a revolution.
Revolution is built into the system and is still a viable means of enforcing the
    The difference between a 'pure' linguistic reference to democracy and a reference
that contains 'numerical concepts' within the reference is that words are no
longer viable, conclusive, 'containers' of a phenomena. They have too much wiggle
room. But, mathmatics and geometry are 'less' representational in nature and more
structurely concrete. Hence the task for the proceedural aspects of law is to devise
a means of distinguishing between democracy as applicable to everyone and
democracy as mere governmental form. In either case, the Bottom is number.                   

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.