Sunday, November 18, 2012

Democratic government is a government "of people","by people",and "for people". There is no other form of government that can approach democracy as a functional concept. The triadic form(a reduction of the Constitutional form) is potentially the most democratic form that can exist, provided that the three sides of the triad are constantly kept in a motion that preserves its triadic nature. Any other form would have to assume that the human condition of one or a few individuals, viz. the rulers at the top, are superior to that of the others at the bottom or the sides. That cannot be the case. In a government of humans, all humans are free and equal; unlike the antiquated "Divine Right of Kings", dictatorships, or any government established by force. These latter will never achieve democracy. People must govern themselves, and the only way to posit anyone of its members at the Top, is by a process of election. Of course, many things can go wrong in the electoral process. These problems must be studied, monitored and corrected, but we cannot neglect their different natures. The only way that the Many or millions of people can be governed is where they themselves set out the structure of government and that can only be done with language and in writing. Of course, that can be problematic, but that was what was accomplished at the Constitutional Convention. Nevertheless,that fact does not mean that the Many or "the People" will always be contained or 'captured' in a general linguistic formulation. No, the nature of the top and that of the bottom must always be respected. Instead of just using words to describe democratic activity, we must use something more stable and fixed. This step is required because the bottom is a 'community' of real indidviduals, each having its own individuality and sanctity. Hence, we must use a different language viz. the language of Number. Each is different and hence 'number' and must be included in any 'democratic formulation'. The different nature of the top and the bottom compels a real approach to governing, i.e. it cannot be just 'empty talk'. The bottom 'wants and likes' to hear democratic talk, but it wants real contact; real inclusion and exclusion. Bridging the gap between the One and the Many is not easy, but every 'social' is entitled to it. It has a Right to it. If our leaders are as brilliant as they claim to be, they must figure it out. After all they want power.( which, of course, they are entitled too) But, the top must never forget the people who put them in that position. Difficulties abound,but surely, we, the people, have evolved in our 'democratic thinking' and 'democratic doing' to a level easilly distinguished from a stupid 1% at the top and a 99% at the bottom 'way of thinking'. Also, from an equally stupid position of allowing fictitous entities to participate in elections. That is not democracy, thats pure 'egoism' ( a false center of self-importance that blocks out everyone else). Egoism is very 'undemocratic'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.