Tuesday, November 13, 2012

There are advantages to percieving government as triadic-in-form. One of the advantages is that it helps to accent the relation between the top and the bottom. The relation is real and must be bridged in a real manner. The top is a focal point of power and the bottom is the source of the power attributed to the top. The top houses "power" and that can be described with language, while the nature of the bottom must be expressed in a quantitative manner in order to 'preserve' its democratic nature. Each individual at the bottom is unique and important in the equation called "democracy". Although the term "democracy" is a general linguistic term that can be applied in multi-farious ways, the term is subject to quantification. This quantification allows for a better determination of the democratic nature of the activities being propounded by the top. In other words, the relation between the top and the bottom is real and must be bridged both, linguistically and mathmatically. This more skeletal relation allows the top to 'talk' democratically, but it also compels a real connection between the top and the bottom. The triadic form helps to accentuate the geometric and mathmatical nature of the relation. That is the only way the relation between power and democracy can be maintained. Since each end of the relation, i.e. the Top and the Bottom, is real and must connect with each other, each end of the relation must respect the nature of the 'Other' end. The top must always use language, but it must also relate to the bottom in a real manner, viz. mathmatically. If governing is to be real governing; so must the geometric relation from the top to the people. The top and its attendant power is there only because the bottom established it when it constituted the Nation. The Constitution adds an interpretive function to the relation of the top and the bottom and that helps to describe the connecting relation; i.e. it describes the duties of government and the Rights of the people. That interpretive function, of course, is the Judicial Branch. The Judiciary has a duty to pass judgement on political issues but, it must be impartial to Party politics. Without impartiality in the application of interpretive practices, the Nation is doomed to go round in circles. There is no 'moving forward' in a circle. We must apply the triad to the nature of government.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.