Thursday, November 28, 2013

The lopsidedness of our economy was created by government

The present economic 'lopsidedness' cannot be corrected, because those in positions of 'economic advantage' will not give up their 'advantage'. Nevertheless, the economy exists within the 'political parameters' of an acknowledged democracy. Although the economic advantage 'taken' by the few may have been 'unfair' and not 'competitively assumed', the individuals who benefited from the advantage still live within the parameters of a democracy that afforded them the "freedom" and "equality" allowing those fictional entities to increase their profits a thousand fold. But, keep in mind that it was never a real individual who made those profits; it was a "legal fiction". The legal fiction was 'given' certain human attributes that every real human individual knows that it has never possessed. That sole legal move rendered competition between humans in a democracy impossible. The 'lopsidedness' of the economy arises from two factors; the 'profiteers' are fictions, and the real individual can no longer compete against them. Hence, the 'greatest lopsidedness' of the economy was created by law. Since law is established by the government, it can also establish conditions in which 'real individuals' within a democracy can be allowed to actually 'compete', or they can be allowed by law to function as "free" and "equal" individuals, by changing the law, in the economy, to that effect. The Top 1% did not get there by their 'democratic' ingenuity. It was through 'economic ingenuity'; after they received 'help' from the legal system. Sometimes democracy 'hangs' itself by not distinguishing a real human being from a fictional person, or by being influenced by economic "greed". Is it not strange that we can have laws against usury by individuals, and not have laws that can 'balance-out' the unfair economic advantages of the "legal fictions".

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