Friday, November 15, 2013

The need for 'real' Democratic 'Ideology'.

The heading sounds like an oxymoron. But, that's the only way to 'talk' about 'real' democracy and at the same time, try to 'do' real democracy. The difference between a verbal statement (talking democracy) and a 'doing'( doing democracy) is an 'activity' that actually carries out the verbal generalization into a 'real' specific, program, policy, or law that can be 'counted' or 'measured'. Democratic talk cannot remain 'just talk'. The Bottom does more than 'talk', it actually 'lives' and it should live democratically. The Top does a lot of 'talking', but it should also carry out 'real' programs. Of course, everyone knows that, or at least, everyone says they do. Surely all politicians and statesmen know that. But, why do they continue to 'hide' behind political gibberish. For example; The Top, wanting to correct a mistake created by the complexity of rendering something theoretical into something practical(over which the Top has no control) is excoriated for 'changing his mind' to better achieve the ideal of providing medical care for everyone. The political result is that now the Parties argue over Party members going to the 'other' Party, etc. thereby causing a shift in Party 'loyalty', or 'damaging' Party lines. Why is the political 'concern' focused on the Top instead of the Bottom? I thought democracy was about People solidarity, not about Party solidarity. Do you think the 'warring' Parties are not aware of this distinction. Of course, they are, but they are so concerned with their own personal welfare and political reputations that the People become the 'forgotten' of political 'gibberish'; political 'posturing'; and political 'hypocrisy'. 'Hiding' behind Party lines gives to so-called Party-Politics a certain 'fixity' that it cannot have, if it claims to be a 'real' democratic Party. The complexity of keeping a straight, real, line from the Top to the Bottom is not as easy as some would have it. But, it should not be used by politicians for advantage. If both Parties are 'democratic', why can't they work it out to the benefit of the People.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.