Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Freedom and Equality drive Democracy, while profits drive Capitalism.

Freedom and Equality 'drive' Democracy; and profits drive Capitalism. The value system of a democracy is a political constant, i.e. always remains the same. The People, at the Bottom, in a democracy are always Free and Equal, and if there are changes in a Democracy, its always towards the realization of more Freedom and Equality. In Capitalism, the 'profits motor' is always in motion and 'changes' are always towards the realization of more and more profits. Of course, a 'stable economy' always contributes towards a 'successful' Democracy. Obviously, the goals of the two systems are different. Nevertheless, the two systems must keep their 'political distance'. If the economy gets too close to the political system, it could transform into a Plutocracy. If that happens, it transforms government of the People, into a government by the rich, and for the rich. That would be a Plutocracy. Capitalism can survive in a Democracy, but it cannot survive in an Autocratic form of Government. Why? because all natural resources and profit making ventures, are State owned. Hence, the best 'soil' for the flourishing of Capitalism is always a Democratic form of Government. However, that, in itself, does not solve all 'democratic problems'. In a Democracy, the medium of exchange should circulate among all the 'real People'. I say real People because the Corporation is not a 'real person', and yet, it is the greatest 'profit making' motor in Capitalism. That's why, Corporations need to 'contribute more' to the very governmental structure that creates them and allows them to exist, that facilitates, and increases, its 'economic grasp' and 'productivity'. A corporation is just an economic 'institution' that exists in the Social, as does, marriage, family, and Freedom and Equality of the Individual. Its time for the corporation to become 'more democratic' and 'less autocratic', and 'give back', or, as they say now-days "pay it forward".

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.