Tuesday, December 30, 2014

'Gains in Technology' should never 'create losses' in human values.

Governing a 'People' is different from 'governing' a Nation. Of course, the International sphere relates to government of Many Nations. When a government governs Many People, it governs human beings. When an International Government governs many Nations, it governs 'established political entities' that are Equal in Power. One large political entity governing Many other political entities, must achieve a political 'balance' between Political entities of Equal Power. There is no such thing as a Nation, or a United Nations, governing the 'Peoples' of another Nation, or even, having an 'influence' on the 'individuals' living in another Nation? How then can 'drone attacks' that injure and kill civilians, women, and children, be justified, especially in cases where War has not been officially declared? The truth of the matter is, it can't. Individuals killing other individuals, for whatever reasons, cannot justify, so-called, 'collateral damage'. When any individual perpetuates 'damage or injury' on another individual, that act is punished by law. If,in that process, s/he injures someone else, someone just 'standing around', s/he is also punished for that injury; by the same law that punishes the 'damage or injury', to the first victim. That's common-sense. So how can so-called, 'collateral damage', be justified in a situation where War has not been declared. The problematic is one of values; values that apply to Individuals, are different, from values that apply to Nations. If Nations are not at War, why should innocents suffer? The advances of technology now 'permit' the killing of innocents. How sad. We gain in 'technology' and lose in 'humanity'.

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