Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Big problems arise when National Governemnts 'go' International.

The relation of the One and the Many is a Governmental relation that applies to all forms of Government. We know that; and we also know that not all Governments are alike, but that 'all humanity' is, or ,should be, the same. So the problematic on the International sphere, can be described as, " how does a 'Democratic form' of Government, relate, to other Governments that do not consider the human condition in the same manner? Governments can only relate to other Governments on the level of 'established Governments' of Equal power. A Government never relates directly to the 'Peoples' of that 'other Government'. So, how does a Democracy relate to an Autocracy, an Autocracy that does not accept the 'equality of the Human Condition'? All governments are 'political Institutions'. They are 'abstract structures' that give practical form to the relation of the One to the Many. Nevertheless, all People, or, human beings, are real; they are 'not institutions'. The so-called, 'social' in any form of Government, is a general abstraction, but the 'Peoples', regardless the 'form' of Government, are all real. Hence, can a Democracy relate to an Autocracy; a Socialistic; or a Dictatorial form of Government, in a 'moral manner'? Or, is there such a thing as 'Morality' in International Relations? Can Governmental Institutions be 'Moral' or 'Immoral'? If 'Morality' does not apply to 'Political Institutions' on the International sphere, what is 'political correctness' on the International sphere? Where do we 'look' for a 'fundamental basis' for International Relations? Is the 'fundamental relation' a relation of Government to Government, or, Government to 'all People'? Obviously, no Government can exist in isolation. Equally obvious, is the fact that the human condition is sacred.

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