Friday, January 2, 2015

Every Nation, and its Government, is an 'artificial', political entity.

Every Nation and its 'Government', is an artificial, political entity. Does that mean, they're not 'real'? Absolutely not. But, we must recognize that every political entity is a 'construct', an 'institution', in most cases, with a 'history'. Human beings born within an established political entity, sometimes assume that the entity is 'theirs', is 'perfect', or ' the only one', and that the humans in some 'other political entity', are the 'strangers', the 'foreigners', or 'the Enemy'. The truth of the matter, is that all human beings are 'equally human'. Their is no human being that has less 'life', less 'humanity', or less 'Right' to exist as a human being, regardless of where s/he was born. 'Technology' will differ; the 'social' will differ; the political structure will differ; the 'economy' will differ; but the 'humanity' never differs. So, why are the 'Peoples' of Other Nations, 'friends','enemies', or 'strangers'? The Human Race is the same; every human is 'Equally' Human; every human is 'Free' to exercise his/her Humanity; Nations, and Governments, were 'created' to 'serve' the Human condition, to 'serve' their People; all People; not to 'rule' them; not to oppress them. The biggest problem in politics is that political power belongs to the Top, to the Government, but the Top of each and every Government, cannot function without a human being at the helm. In other words, Nations are political Institutions; without a human being at the helm, they're mere 'vacuous abstractions'. So, where do we go wrong, in our Governments, or in our Humanity?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.