Thursday, February 19, 2015

Capitalism without constraints leads to Plutocracy

Capitalism without constraints leads to Plutocracy. Plutocracy; a Government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich, is not Democratic. At best, its a Government that uses the People, at the Bottom of Government, to make more profits, but the profits benefit 'a few', and never the Population as a 'whole'. Plutocracy results from the concentration of profits, money, or property, at the Top, or the 1%. Some will say that Capitalists work hard and hence, are entitled to the benefits of their labor. That, may be true, but don't kid yourself, the basic reason Capitalism works, is because the 'corporate structure' is protected by the Constitution. Without Constitutional protection, the corporation would not survive. The corporation is considered 'a person' by the Constitution. Of course, everybody knows that a corporation is not a 'person'. A corporation is just an Article of Incorporation issued by a Government. Its no wonder, they are 'too big to fail'; they're not real, you can't put it in jail. But, that, in itself, is not the problem. The problem is that they have been given a 'fictional nature', and also the potential for a huge, incomparable, 'economic grasp'. But, that's O.K.. The problem is, they have not been given 'democratic duties'. It seems fair that in exchange for having been given such a big advantage in economic activity, that they would also have 'democratic duties'. As it is, they are completely motivated by the profit instinct. Their sole goal is 'to have a good year', and the People be damned. Government needs more control over its 'fictional population'. The Government, literally, created them, so why not control them.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.