Saturday, February 7, 2015

Nations have Power, because they 'must'!

Nations have Power, because they must have Power. Obviously, a Nation 'without Power' is non-existent, and cannot exist as a political entity. Power is commensurable with Nation-hood. But, no Nation comes into existence from some 'invisible source', or 'place' that grants it Power. No! Every nation has a history. Every nation evolved into a political 'posture' that attributed power to the Top of the political organization. In order to determine from where any one Nation gets its power, it is sufficient to determine a 'certain point' in its historical past. That particular past will reflect that 'inexorable relation' called a 'political relation', or, that 'ancient relation' of the One and the Many. The Many, or, the multitudes, will become the Bottom of the relation and the Top of the relation will become the Nation or Government. But, it is important to understand that the 'occupants' at the Top of the relation are 'the same', or as 'Equal', as the 'occupants' at the Bottom, or, the multitudes, of the relation. All Individuals, or stated differently, all human beings, regardless their 'seeming differences', are Free, in nature, and particularly, within any political entity, and, in the same manner, all are 'Equally human'. National histories reflect the point where a Nation 'gets' its power. Democracies should reflect, in their history, where the 'People' grants power to the Top. Non-democracies should wonder and ponder, why they never got a 'grant of power' from the People they purport to govern. Nations cannot exist without political power, and they can't get power from some 'invisible source'; hence, real Power, only exists, where the Peoples of the World, have granted it.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.