Monday, December 19, 2016

A Real Democracy is composed of Real Individuals; not Legal Fictions. Corporations are not 'real'.

A 'Real Democracy' is composed of 'Real' Individuals i.e., Human Beings, not Legal Fictions. Corporations are Legal Fictions and exist only in 'contemplation of Law'. They are not 'Real'; they don't 'eat'; they don't 'live'; they don't breath; they don't reproduce themselves; they don't need medical assistance; they don't need work; they don't need a 'home' in which to "lay its weary head". One would think that Statesmen or Politicians would be very interested in the 'human condition' and its 'real relation' to Government; i.e., if the Freedom and Equality of the 'condition of togetherness' is being 'respected and protected' by the Government. Instead, the Politicians become interested in the 'economic motor'and economic principles. Of course, they are also interested in 'human beings' but, only in relation to the economic aspects of the human condition. They do not seem interested in the Freedom and Equality of the Individual. Why don't they Legislate 'principles' or 'Institutions' that would balance the Inequality between the 1% and the 99%? After all, money is a 'medium of exchange', not a medium for 'hoarding'. Sure, some can be 'saved', but; a medium of exchange must be kept in circulation, and no one should be allowed to acquire 'complete control' of a 'medium of exchange'. Today, the Tax rates between the 'Real' and the 'Imaginary' reflect a certain 'equality', but the fictional corporations are 'fictions', unreal, and the 'economic grasp' between a corporation and a real individual will never be equal. For all 'practical purposes', Corporations have rendered 'competition' obsolete. Hence, Tax proportionately; base it on the difference in the 'economic grasp', not on the premise that they are Constitutional fictions; or 'persons'. Corporations used to pay a tax rate of 70 to 90 %, but the Corporate Lobbies 'reduced' the rates based on their status as 'legal fictions'. They are not 'real Persons' and although entitled to some protection under the Constitution, they are 'not Equal' to 'real human beings', and they never will be. That would be a 'Capitalistic Government', not a 'Democratic Government'. (oops). Is that what we are? Well, it looks like most of our Public Offices are going to be filled with CEO's, so, we're either 'there already' or 'headed there'. Looks bleak. Where are our Statesmen and where is Democracy?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.