Saturday, December 31, 2016

When Capitalism takes over the reigns of 'Power'; what happens to Freedom and Equality?

When Capitalism assumes the reigns of Political Power; what happens to Freedom and Equality? Capitalism is 'driven' by Profits; not by Freedom and Equality. Hence, in a 'purported Democracy', the Nations motive for establishing democratic 'Governing Principles' and 'democratic Institutions' will be determined by the 'Profits motive' and not the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every real Individual at the Bottom of Democratic Government. Questions about 'racial discrimination'; about 'low wages'; or about 'Jobs'; about 'Medical care' for those not able to 'buy it' or 'earn it'; Freedom to express ones' opinion about 'Political Parties'; 'economic imbalances' caused by the Corporations 'economic grasp'; the ability of Corporations to 'dissolve themselves' and 're-create' themselves under a different name ( a form of Corporate Immortality); the unregulated growth of 'Corporate Size'; the 'Rights' of veterans who have fought for their Nation; and many other questions about the Power to Govern and the Power of the economy; All these questions and issues, and many more, need to be 'asked' and 'resolved'. How is a Nation governed by 'the Profits motive' or simply Money, going to answer those questions. Its not. A government operated by the 'Profits motor' becomes a Plutocracy or an Oligarchy or is already One. A Government run by business CEO's, who are not familiar with 'Political Principles' or the 'Constitution', is already on the road to Plutocracy, if not, Oligarchy. The 'few' in the economy will prosper, the 1%, but only at the expense of the Political Freedom and Equality promised to 'real Individuals' by the Constitution; the Individuals who are situated at the 'Bottom of Democratic Government'. After all, it is the Bottom, the People, who confers 'Political Power' to the Top. We have all kind of Agencies that 'police' and 'control' products that are being made 'available to the People' at the Bottom; why can't we have an Agency that 'polices' and 'controls' candidates who run for Political Office? We need more control over Politicians; and the Nation needs more control over Corporations. Democracy should not self-destruct because the 1% sends in 'unqualified Politicians', or, because 'Immortal Corporations' are out of control. Our Mortality is not assured, and why should Legal Fictions be 'out-of-control'; we are under control of Law; and why should they be 'Immortal? you and I are not.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.