Thursday, April 27, 2017

Democracy helped create a Corporate Society; but Corporations cannot function with Freedom and Equality.

The Freedom and Equality that 'motors' Democracy helped 'create' a Corporate Society; but, Corporations cannot 'function' or be 'motored' with Freedom and Equality; they need 'competition' and 'Profits and Money'. Take away Profits and Money from a 'corporate nature' or from its 'Person-hood' and you take away the very 'nature' or the 'motor' that mobilizes the Capitalistic impulse. Capitalism requires 'competition' and competition requires 'dog-eat-dog-tactics'; not Freedom and Equality. It squashes the 'little guy'; it destroys the 'small' and creates 'huge Corporate Giants'. What happens to Democracy or the 'Freedom and Equality' required by a Democratic Social? Since the 'existence' of the Corporate nature is protected by Law, why can't it also be required to be a 'Good Citizen'? Of course, you ask, how? Well, lets look at that. The Corporation owes its very existence to Law; hence, Law can also require, as part of that existence, that every 'Corporate person' that exists within a Democracy also have 'Sections'; 'Departments', 'Agencies', Branches, within their Corporate nature which 'helps and contributes' to the 'General Welfare' of the Social. Obviously, Corporations make 'huge Profits' because they were given a huge 'economic grasp'. That economic grasp exceeds the 'Real Individuals' grasp and also the 'small corporate grasp' of 'essential corporate natures' within the Social. Probably the so-called 1% comes from the hoarding of huge corporate profits. The corporation owes its existence to the 'Democratic spirit', so there is no reason why its corporate structure cannot be required to organize itself in a manner that contributes to the General Welfare, as required by the Constitution. All 'real' citizens 'contribute' to the General Welfare by being Law abiding. Corporations should be required to do the same thing. If they fail to live more 'democratically', their Charters should be 'modified' or 'yanked'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.