Monday, April 24, 2017

A Great Democracy can 'include' a successful Capitalism; but, a successful Capitalism cannot include a great Democracy.

A Great Democracy can include a successful Capitalism; but, a successful Capitalism will never include a Great Democracy. Why not? Simply because the Democracy is the 'Container' or 'Can' and Capitalism is the 'contents' of the 'Can'. Capitalism belongs 'in' a Democracy; but, Democracy cannot be contained 'within' Capitalism. Democracy is driven by Freedom and equality; while Capitalism is driven by Profits and money. Try driving Democracy with Profits and money; it wont 'go'. If it does 'go', its because its no longer a democracy, but a 'kingdom of sorts'. By that analogy, I mean the King becomes the 'can' and the King owns 'everything', including the 'serfs'( People). Real Democracy is 'motored', 'motivated', 'moved', by the Freedom and Equality of Each and Every Individual living within the Borders of the Nation. That does not include Legal Fictions like corporations, that exist, only in contemplation of law. They are not real People; they are the 'contents' of the Can. Their existence as 'contents' is entirely dependent on the 'democratic nature' of the 'can', or, the Nation. The 'contents' can never drive the 'can'; the can 'drives', 'determines', and 'holds' the contents. Of course, the 'political obligations' of the 'can' are 'tremendous'. It must determine the 'democratic structure' that will 'house' and 'drive democracy and its 'contents', namely, a successful Capitalism. Capitalism must also recognize its obligation to 'live' a 'democratic Life'. Capitalism can exist within Democracy. By employing Metaphors and stretching Language a bit, we can see clearly that Capitalism can exist 'within' Democracy and that we 'would never have' a democracy, if we allow 'Profits and Money' to drive Democracy. We need 'Politicians' at the helm; not businessmen. A Businessman can drive a Corporation, but she/he cannot drive a Nation; but Politicians must also 'wake up', and forget 'political correctness'; and 'learn' how to be a 'States-person'; i.e. a 'Real' Representative of 'all' the People.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.