Saturday, May 5, 2018

Political Science is not a Science but, it requires 'Objectivity' and a certain quality of 'Selflessness'.

Political-Science is not a Science but, it requires 'Objectivity' and a certain quality of 'Selflessness'. In a Democracy, a 'Politician' must know 'how to Govern' or, at least, have some concept on what 'She/He' hopes to accomplish while in Office. A 'Political Goal' is a very 'General Goal' in that it involves the democratic 'Structure of Governing' and also 'all' the 'Real Individuals' who will benefit from such Governing. In other words, it involves 'the means' by which She/He will 'Govern' as well as the 'end result' of such 'Governing'. The 'end result', of course, involves 'all the Real Individuals' at the Bottom of the Governing process and it also involves the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every Real Individual at the Bottom. A Real Politician's primary concern is the 'General Welfare" of all the 'Individuals' being Governed. Politicians should not be concerned with any kind of surreptitious self-aggrandizement. In other words, She/He should be Selfless. Of course, that's somewhat Ideal, but a necessary 'Political Characteristic' of a Democratic Office-Holder who enjoys 'Political Power' in a Democratic Form of Government. Political 'Power' should not be used for self-aggrandizement. Political Office is only for a short period of time. Now, weigh those qualities with the qualities required of a successful CEO of a Business Corporation. A Businessman must make a 'Profit'; that's his/her sole Goal. Failing that, She/He is replaced or the Corporate structure goes bankrupt. A Political Entity cannot replace its 'Governors' whenever it likes; nor can it declare 'Bankruptcy'. That is why a 'Business Mentality' cannot run a Political Entity. He/She must be Objective, Selfless, and Democratic. These political qualities may be rare, but they are absolutely necessary. Failing these requirements, a Democracy is in danger of deconstructing. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.