Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Political Entity 'Governs'; an Economic entity 'Produces'.

A Political Entity 'Governs'; an Economic Entity 'produces'. Each has a different 'function' and a different 'place' within the 'Condition of Togetherness'( the Social). But the 'Social' exists 'within' the 'Political' and the Two must interact with each other. The Real Individual exists within the Two and must acquire a 'Semiotic'( Sign system) and a 'Semantics'(Meaning system) for each. That acquisition forms a 'Subjectivity' in the 'Real Individual' within the 'Polity' and its 'Capitalistic environment'. This Subjectivity is the 'Attitude' of the Individual towards his/her immediate and 'Total' environment. In other words, in a Democracy a Real Individual exists within a 'Total Linguistic Environment' that conflates the 'Political' and the 'Economic'. The Individual relates to this 'conflation' and must understand the distinction between Political language and Economic Language. Economic language is concerned with 'Producing' more and more of the same, or 'Profits and Monies'. But, these Profits and Monies are a Medium of Exchange that should be kept in circulation. In other words, the Economy is constantly 'changing', 'producing' and being modified. Now, consider the Political System. A Democracy, as a System of Governing, does not change. Its a fixed system i.e. the nature of the Political entity remains democratic at all times. The democratic values of a democracy never change; i.e., the Freedom and Equality of all the Real Individuals is always the Goal. That's fixed; the only change might be that the 'Individuals' 'excluded' from the system should become 'included' Individuals within the system. That's not 'changing' the 'System'; that's 'Perfecting' the Democracy. Government 'Of the People, By the people, For the People, can only 'improve'. What the Real Individual needs to do is 'really experience' what it means to be 'Equal' and 'Free' ( within the confines of Law) under a Political System. What Capitalism needs to do is really experience that it should also serve the 'General Welfare'( not the 1%); that the 'Holy-Dollar' is 'empty and vacuous', that it has 'flown loose' from its Moorings', (no more Gold Standard); that being on the 'Forbes List' is meaningless; and the most important thing is that a 'Corporate Society' should also have 'Democratic values'. A conflated system of Semiotics and Semantics must 'understand' that only a 'Government can Govern'; and a 'Capitalism' within a Democracy should also serve the General Welfare. Where are the real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.