Tuesday, July 10, 2018

'Leaders', by whatever 'Name', must know how to 'Govern'; Capitalists must know how to make a Profit.

Political Leaders, by whatever 'Name' must know how to Govern; Capitalists must know how to make a Profit. Being a Leader, whether Democrat, Autocrat, or Plutocrat, requires knowledge, lots of knowledge, of the Political Process. Of course, an Autocrat Governs differently from a Democrat. But, even then, both must be knowledgeable about Governing with Autocratic Principles or Democratic Principles. It is possible to have a 'nice', likable, Autocrat, but highly unlikely. In the same manner, its possible to have a 'Democratic Leader' with 'Autocratic tendencies'. Obviously, that can also be the case. But, in such cases, the so-called Leader has pulled a 'fast one' on the Voters of the Democracy; especially if he tries to Govern with Economic or Business Principles. Business Principles are 'Autocratic' in nature. The Rule of the CEO is basic to an organization designed strictly to make a Profit. My point is that if a Leader purports to Govern a Nation, by whatever form of Government, S/He must have knowledge of Governing. That creates a dilemma in a system where CEO's are allowed to participate in Government. Now, be careful. I'm not suggesting to exclude the Business World from a Democratic Process. What I'm suggesting is to have some criteria or qualifications for anyone wanting to engage themselves in the Government of a Democratic Nation. The first priority is knowledge of the act of Governing. If a Candidate is completely unfamiliar with basic Rules of Governing, S'He should not be allowed to participate in the Political Process. If S/He doesn't know how to Govern, why should either be permitted to 'politic' for an Office that requires Governing? Hey, I know its a Democracy, but a Leader should know what Governing a Democracy is all about. If a Man doesn't know how to drive a Car, why should we allow him/her to drive a Car? Why does he need a Licence? There are some businessmen who are good at making a Profit, but know absolutely nothing about 'Governing'. They should not be allowed to run for a 'Democratic Office' for the sole purpose of transforming the Office into an 'Autocratic Business Institution'. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.