Sunday, July 8, 2018

There's a Big distinction between 'Governing' a Governmental Entity and a 'Capitalistic economy'.

There's a Big distinction between 'Governing' a Governmental Entity and a 'Capitalistic economy'. Governing involves an Institution of Government at the Top that governs all the Individuals at the Bottom. The Bottom is always a 'condition of togetherness' of Individuals that constitute the Governed. A Government 'Governs' the Governed. That may sound simplistic, but there is no other purpose for Government! Economic activity or Capitalistic activity is activity 'designed' to make a 'Profit'. It also has no other purpose for existing. Any 'Individual' that does not make a 'Profit' in the 'Social' is in trouble.( I use 'condition of togetherness' instead of 'Social' because an 'Individual' never loses anything by 'living together' in a Group. S/He remains a unique Human Being. Whereas, the word 'Social' is a high level abstraction subject to linguistic manipulation) So, what does one do if the Individuals cannot make a Profit? Oh, simple. Create 'artificial persons', or 'Legal Fictions' called 'Corporations' that become 'Producers' and make the Real Human beings 'Workers' and 'pay them' a 'Wage'. (Do I dare say a 'Living Wage'?) Oh Well...Now, S/He is making Money for 'survival' in a Capitalistic Economy. But, Capitalism does not have a 'guide' to follow as to a 'reasonable amount of Wages' to be paid. It could, but it wont, why? because its sole concern is to make a Profit. But the Government does because it has a duty to 'Govern' the 'Individual' and the 'Economy'. Hence, Laws setting minimum Wages. An Economy cannot Govern, only a Political Entity can Govern the People and the Economy. When a Nation that functions with Economic principles instead of Political Principles and 'enters' the 'International Sphere' of Governments and begins to re-shape the Economy of the International Sphere, it will create chaos on both the International Sphere and the National sphere. Economic Principles cannot Govern Nationally nor Internationally. We need Real Politicians, not Businessmen nor CEOs.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.