Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Politics and Capitalism should not become entangled.

Politics and Capitalism should not become 'entangled'. 'Each' 'needs' each Other but they can function independent of each other. That is possible so long as each keeps its ultimate 'Purpose' in Mind. But, it also needs to modify its structure 'a little'. The ultimate purpose of Politics is to Govern; whereas the ultimate purpose of Capitalism is to produce 'more and more of the same', or stated differently, to 'generate Profits'. A business Corporation cannot exist if it doesn't make a Profit. Its Size and existence is dependent on its 'Profits'. In that respect, its success is purely 'financial in nature'. A Political Entity, becomes fixed when its 'Created'. Its created as, either a 'Democracy' or an 'Autocracy', or a 'variation' of the Two. The Political Principles that Govern a Democracy are always the Same. They do not change although they can improve the function of its Political principles by becoming more 'inclusive', whereas, Capitalism, being motored by the amount of 'Monies' it generates, can grow 'Larger', by becoming more 'efficient' as a producer of 'more and more of the Same', Profits. But, a Democracy can improve its 'efficiency', or 'Governance' by including 'more People' within its 'Democratic Fold'. In other words, if the case is that it discriminates on certain Individuals, or Races, or Economic Groups, or Religious Groups, it must 'desist' and include them within its implementation of 'Equality and Freedom'. It does not become more 'Democratic'; its already Democratic, but it must become more 'inclusive'. Whereas a Corporate or Capitalistic 'Entity' becomes 'Larger' and 'Larger' by making more 'Profits'. 'Size' is important to a Capitalistic entity; that makes it more 'successful'. A Democratic Government never changes; you either 'have it' or 'you don't'. A Democracy improves its 'status' by 'correcting' its 'already existing Political Nature', by Governing more 'Inclusively'. The 'Natures' of the two entities is very different. A Corporate Society can exist within a Democratic Nation, but it should structure some of its 'practices' and Departments to allow it to 'function', a little more, as a 'Democracy'. The present structure of Corporate existence is solely to 'generate' Profits and that 'contributes' to the pursuit of 'Greed'. Business Corporations are Greed machines. But, they can change and become more 'Democratic' by using its Profits to create 'in house' Departments that 'help' the 'Democratic process'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.