Saturday, August 18, 2018

Yes, Democracy can exist in a Corporate Society.

Yes, Democracy can exist in a Corporate Society, but the 'nature' or 'purpose' for Incorporation must be 'modified'. The Business Corporation is a tremendous 'Engine' for generating 'profits'. That's the 'sole purpose' for the 'Business Corporate Structure'. But, its corporate nature is not 'intended' to be a 'Competitor' with the 'Democratic Political Entity'. A Corporation cannot Govern and its purpose for existing in the Economy is not for the purpose of 'Governing'; only the 'State', the 'Nation', a 'Political Entity' can 'Govern', and in a Democracy, it must Govern with Democratic Principles. The 'Motor' of the Corporate Nature or the 'Legal Fiction' cannot be changed or modified. But, the 'utility' and 'organization' of its 'own structure' and some of the 'end results', (Profits), of the Corporate Nature can be re-directed to it's own Structure and hence, make its own Corporate Structure more democratic. Examples; all Business Corporations can establish Departments to do 'medical research', help eliminate 'medical Illnesses'; poverty; it can 'help' the 'stability' of the 'Social' in which it exists and it can help with reference to 'jobs', 'work', and other 'functions' of 'Democracy'; it can help make the Social more 'self-functioning'. Remember, the Political Entity is required to 'enhance' and 'structure' the 'Freedom and Equality' of its 'Real Members' in the Social; that's its 'function' and the Corporation must 'continue' making Profits 'for the Economy'. But, every 'Business Corporate Structure should be modified by creating 'Departments' and 'Sections' within the Business Corporation itself, whose functions are to 'help' and 'contribute' to the 'Democratic Social' in which it exists. After all, it does not have that Freedom in an Autocratic Government. Hence, the Corporate Structure can enhance the strength of the Democratic Social by contributing to its 'stability' and help to 'stabilize' the 'Freedom and Equality' of all 'Real' Human Beings in the 'Democratic Social'. Hence it can still make 'more and more' Profits and at the same time participate in the democratic function of 'contributing to the 'Freedom and Equality' of all Real Individuals'. In other words, it 'cannot Govern'; 'Business Principles' can never Govern, but it can contribute to Government by helping a 'Democratic Social' to be more 'viable'. Why should 'Business Corporations' only create a 'Greedy accumulation' and never help the 'Social' within which they exist?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.