Monday, October 1, 2018

Government is 'Essential' but, what kind of Government?

Government is 'Essential' but, what kind of Government? The 'basic reason' for Government is the huge amount of Population in the World. As I've stated earlier, all one has to do is conduct a 'Thought Experiment', to wit; 'One sole, Individual living on an Island all by Him/Her-Self, does not need 'Government'. Why not? Because there's no 'Natural' need for it, and because its a 'Human Institution' established by the different 'Peoples' in the World. Humans may be born within an established 'Political Entity', but even that, is not a 'personal choice'. No one 'being born' has made such a 'choice'. Yet, all Human Beings need Government. Well, what kind of Government? Well, fortunately or unfortunately, everyone is born into an already existing Government; a Democracy, an Autocracy, a Plutocracy, or an Oligarchy and I'm sure there are other 'Smaller forms', even 'Tribes', or 'Families' established by 'smaller numbers' of Human Beings. Every 'Political Entity' and Smaller Forms of 'Government' has a 'History' and a study of that History can tell you how their 'particular Form' of Government came about. In the World today, 'Governments' are well-established, and some are members of the 'United Nations'. Of course, each 'Government' has 'Power at the Top' and 'People at the Bottom'. The Power at the Top must be 'respected' but, so must the 'People' at the 'Bottom'. After all, it was 'People' who established 'Governments' of all kinds. Hence, it appears that all Governments must acknowledge their purpose as being a 'Government of their People', hence, all Governments should be 'Representative' i.e. Governments of all 'stripes', should 'Represent' or 'Serve' the 'Peoples' under their care. But, you cannot tell an Autocracy that; nor a Plutocracy; nor an Oligarchy; and sometimes, not even a Democracy, because Democrats have become too 'Politically Correct'. The 'Politically Correct' can 'speak' the language of Democracy but their 'Words' and 'Talk' is 'empty and vacuous'. They're insincere. Hence, what is needed are 'Sincere Politicians' who actually serve the 'Peoples at the Bottom'. I understand that 'Political Science' is not a 'Science', but shouldn't it be 'less' a "Power Grab", and 'more' a 'Public Service'. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.