Monday, October 8, 2018

In a Democracy, the Peoples at the Bottom are of the 'utmost Importance'.

In a Democracy the 'Peoples at the Bottom' are of the 'utmost importance'. In any Political Entity, the 'People' are the 'Governed' and the Political Entity is there 'only' to Govern. Of course, its at 'that point' that the different 'Political Entities can be 'distinguished'. How and by what means does it 'Govern' and what are the 'practical', 'everyday characteristics' of the 'Governing process', on the 'Peoples' that it Governs. In Autocracies, Plutocracies, and Oligarchies, the 'Peoples at the Bottom' lead a 'more or less' tolerable existence. Their 'participation' and 'say-so' is not that important. However, in a 'Democracy' the importance of the 'knowledge', 'insights', and 'sensitivity' to the 'manner of Governing' becomes very important. Why? Because, they are the 'Governed' and the 'Government' is established to be a 'Strong Government' and it does that by promoting their 'Freedom and Equality'. The importance of Democratic Government is not the 'lesser' because its 'sole purpose' for existing is to 'Govern Democratically', which means to organize the 'Social' and the 'Economy' and to 'promote the Freedom and Equality' of 'all' the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom. 'Democracy' is 'very strong' because it has the 'support' and 'participation' of the 'Real Individuals' at the 'Bottom'. In a Democracy, the 'Peoples' are as 'important' as the 'Political Entity'. In an Autocracy, or similar Forms, the Power at the Top is 'Independent' from the 'Peoples at the Bottom'. Hence, the Peoples are not 'that important' and hence 'not the focus' of the 'Governing Power'. An 'Autocracy' is also a strong 'Form of Government', but 'all its strength' is at the 'Top' and not at the 'Bottom'. A 'Democracy serves' the 'Bottom' and the 'Bottom' 'serves' the 'Top', when necessary, and 'Protects it'. Democracies cannot be 'separated' from its 'Peoples at the Bottom'. That's why, the 'attitudes' of the 'Individuals' at the Bottom is 'as important' as the 'attitudes' of the 'Office Holders', or Government, towards the Bottom. 'Democracy' must work with its 'Peoples', as the 'Peoples' at the 'Bottom', must work with their 'Democratic Government'. Where are the 'Real Politicians'?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.