Monday, September 16, 2019

The 'Bottom' of a 'Democratic Polity' can divide into 'Political Parties', but both must be 'Democratic'.

The 'Bottom' of a 'Democratic Polity' can divide into 'Political Parties', but they must be 'Democratic'. Why is that the case? Simply because the Bottom can not be 'aspiring' to become 'Autocratic', or to 'transform' into any 'Other Form of Government'. But, how can a 'Real Democracy' become 'Autocratic'? Theoretically, it can't, but a Bottom of 'Freedom and Equality' is only 'Possible', because the 'Bottom' exists in a 'Real Democracy'. Hence, only a 'Real' Democratic Bottom of 'Freedom and Equality' can exist in a 'Real Democracy'. Hence 'No Division' into a 'Political Party' at the 'Bottom' can 'house' a 'Party' that 'espouses' 'Autocratic Rule' because 'Rule' is the 'anti-thesis' of 'Governing'. Democracies 'Govern'; they do not 'Rule'. But, the issue is not that simple. All Political Entities have an Economy and an Economy can be 'motored' by 'Capitalistic ends'. This is the 'place' where 'subtle' distinctions between 'Governing' and 'Ruling' begins to 'accumulate'. One 'Accumulation' favors 'Governing', the other 'Ruling'. If the 'Social focus' is on 'Economic Principles', to the 'exclusion' of 'Democratic Political Principles', the end result will be 'Autocratic'. Why?, because economic Principles in Capitalistic activities are solely 'motored' by 'Profits'. No Business Corporation will survive for long in a Capitalistic Social if that Corporation is not making a Profit. A Business Corporation must be driven by Profits. It 'must be' Profitable. However, if economic activity is 'kept separate' from Political Activity, then a Democratic Government of Freedom and Equality can continue to exist. Otherwise, it will be replaced by 'Capitalistic profits' which 'pushes' 'Democratic activity' into 'Autocratic activity' or an Autocratic Form of Rule. A Corporation 'Rules' its employees, it does not 'Govern' them. Governing is one thing, being Motored by Profits is another, and never should the 'twain' be confused. Both 'Entities', Government and Economy, need each Other, but they must be kept separate. A Government 'contains' an Economy and if an Economy ever 'contains' a Government, it will be Autocratic. But, how 'easily' do Political Principles 'slide' into Economic Principles and 'making more and more of the same', or Money? How easy is it to 'throw away' Freedom and Equality and transform it into the 'Motor' of 'having more and more of the same'? That's why, 'Political Parties' need to 'define themselves' and define the area of 'democratic activity' in which they are allowed to function. Any 'other approach' will be disastrous. If a Democratic Bottom continues to exist, we'll be ok, but if the 'Economy' takes over the 'Bottom', we're in trouble. Where are the 'Real Politicians'?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.