Sunday, September 1, 2019

The 'Bottom' of our 'Democratic Entity' has been splintered into 'Political Parties', and an 'Inhuman Condition'.

The 'Bottom' of our 'Democratic Political Entity' has been 'splintered' into 'Political Parties' and an 'Inhuman Condition'. The first aspect of the splinter is Political in Nature. Of course, this 'Cleft' could have been between the 'Differences' and the 'best manner' of achieving a 'True Democracy'. Both Parties could have stuck to the 'nature' of the Cleavage, which was purely Political and which might have really helped the 'achievement of a Real Democracy'. But, was that the case? Take an Example; the issue of some kind of Gun Control. The 'news' clearly shows that Individuals are shooting other 'Individuals', but not only that, but also shooting Individuals within 'Large Groups', and including 'Bystanders'. Well, that's not good and 'completely prohibiting Individuals from owning Guns for their own 'self and Home-protection' would not be a solution. In all cases the evidence shows that the Perpetrators have 'Automatic Weapons', or 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'. These weapons are weapons of War, not weapons of Individual self-defense. How does an Individual acquire weapons of War in a Democratic Social? Where are the Political Parties? All attempts to limit these killings has failed. If these weapons are allowed in the 'Social' and at 'Home', they should not be 'Weapons of War' or Automatic Weapons of Mass Destruction' and the attempt to treat 'mental illness' and the 'Personalities' of the 'Perpetrators', 'early', is ridiculous and silly. Any Individual can get a hold of a weapon and hurt someone. But, the fact that an 'Individual' can be 'armed' so as to shoot 'large groups' or 'Twenty Individuals' or 'Bystanders' within 'Seconds' is absurd. Those weapons are for 'War and Mayhem' and treating 'mental Illness' is not the solution. The only solution is to limit the 'Production' and 'Availability' of those Weapons to 'Law Enforcement Departments' and 'Military Departments'. The solution is simple. Don't sell to just any Individual. Those weapons are not necessary for 'Target Shooting', 'Hunting', or 'Personal Defense' or 'Self-Defense', and their availability to just 'anyone' 'who wants one' is ridiculous and motivated by 'Economic Motives' and not by 'Democratic' or 'Moral Motives'. Where are the Political Parties? It would be simple for them to enact Laws prohibiting the 'availability' and 'sale' of these Weapons to any 'Tom, Dick, or Harry' who just wants one. If the availability of these weapons is not controlled, these atrocities will continue. That is 'Inhumane' and 'Asinine'. Why don't the Political Parties do something that is not completely motivated by 'Economic considerations? Where are the Real Politicians? Is it really possible that our 'Leaders' do not know how to limit the circulation of these Weapons? I don't think so. But, that's what happens when we are 'Governed' by 'Economic Principles', or an 'Economic Motor' instead of 'Democratic' Political Principles. Politics is not a 'Business' and should be motivated by 'Political Principles' of 'Freedom and Equality' and not by the 'Profit Principle'. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.