Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why do 'Business Corporations' need to be Considered as 'Persons', in 'contemplation of law'?

Why do Business Corporations need to be Considered as 'Persons' in 'Contemplation of Law', and why only in 'Contemplation of Law'? Does that mean, that they are not really 'Persons'. How can a Constitution create a 'Person'? Of course, everyone knows they are 'Legal Fictions' and hence not 'Real Persons'. So, why consider them 'Persons' and give them the same 'Constitutional Rights' that 'Real Human beings' have? Of course, they are 'Economic Money Making Machines', and hence huge and very productive. No 'Real Human Being', or 'Real Person' can compete with a 'legal fiction' that is 'protected' by the Constitution. Of course, if corporations really 'need Protection', they are 'certainly entitled' to it, but why 'Personhood'. That move places it right alongside a 'Real Person' who is entitled to 'His, Her' 'Human Rights' as a 'Member' of the 'Condition of Togetherness' in which they exist. 'Real Human Beings', at the 'Bottom' of a 'Political Democracy' need protection from the 'Institutional Government' established by the 'Constitution'. Of course, the question arises, Why? Simply because no Human Being or 'Real Individual' can protect 'Himself or Herself' from an 'Institutionalized Political Power'. 'Government' is too Powerful and the 'Bottom' of the 'Political Entity' has split into 'opposing Parties' and the question 'always arises', why can't a 'Government' agree that 'Human Beings' are Natural, Real,( not Institutional) and hence 'more valuable' then 'Business Economic Institutions' established by a 'Social' or a 'Government', deployed by a 'system of Political Power' that is 'Split' along Business Power distributions set in motion by the 'Different Adversarial Parties'. Evidently, there are Politicians who seek to protect the 'Corporate Motor' instead of the 'innate Human Rights' of 'Real Individuals'. That 'establishes' a 'Polity motored' by Money and 'Economic Principles' instead of a Polity motored by 'Political Principles' of 'Freedom and Equality'. Creating Legal Fictions and giving them 'Constitutional Protection' creates an 'Economic Institution' instead of a Political Institution. Its O.K. to protect Business Corporations but, its ridiculous to call them 'Persons' and then simply to say 'Oh, they are 'Legal Fictions' and then giving them the 'same' or 'similar' 'Protections' that a 'Real Human Being' has. No Law can create a 'Real Human Being', or a 'Real Person'. We live in a Real World and we don't need 'Imaginary Persons' alongside us. Its O.K to protect Business Corporations, but why augment our already existing 'Computerized Hyper-Reality'? Where are the real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.