Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A 'Political Problematic' always involves that 'Ancient Problematic' known as the "One and the Many".

A Political Problem always involves that ancient 'Problematic' known as the "One and the Many". The Top of 'Political Power' has to be filled in with 'Political Institutions of Power'. Of course, there are many 'forms' a 'Governing Institution' can assume. In all cases 'The Top' is designed to either 'Govern' or 'Rule' the 'Bottom'. In a Democracy, the 'Bottom' is 'Governed', hence the Bottom is 'Institutionalized' into a 'Body Politic' that reflects the 'Institutions of a Democracy viz., Institutions of 'Freedom and Equality'. Its at that point, that the 'Power' issue is raised; how can a 'Political Top' govern a 'Multitudinous Bottom'; or, in historical terminology, which is that 'Ancient Problematic of the 'One' and the 'Many'. It took a long time for 'Social Institutions' to evolve. The earliest was the 'Family', 'a Group', 'a Tribe', 'larger Groups' and 'larger Tribes', until the stage was reached where 'States' and 'Nations' were established by 'Human Beings' and 'Constitutions'. They are 'described and Defined' as 'Political Entities' with 'Political Power' at the 'Top' that could 'Rule', or 'Govern'. Autocracy or 'Diluted Forms' of 'Autocracy', Rule; whereas; 'Democracies Govern'. Neither 'Ruling' nor 'Governing' is easy. But, the 'resolution' of a 'Political Problem' is always different. An Autocracy usually 'quashes' the Problem; a Democracy tries to 'Resolve' the problem, which also raises different issues. If a Democracy is being Driven by 'Economic Principles', how can that be 'transformed' back to being 'driven' by Political Principles of 'Freedom and Equality'? 'Democracy' cannot be 'driven' by 'Economic Principles' of 'More and More of the same', or by the 'Haves and the Have-Nots'. That's closer to Plutocracy, not Democracy. But, When that happens one begins to see 'Political Conflicts' occurring at the 'Top' between 'Officials' instead of at the 'Bottom' among the 'Many Peoples'. When 'Political Conflicts' ascend to the 'Top of Power', the 'Political Entity' is 'beginning' to 'unravel' and the 'Democratic form' of Government, Suffers. 'Petty Quarrels' and 'Maneuvers' begin to dominate the 'High Levels' of 'Political Language'. The Top 'lowers itself' to a 'Language and maneuvers' of a 'Backyard Barbeque' with its 'Backyard Language'. The 'Top' is no longer a 'Representative of the Bottom'; the 'Top' is transformed into a 'Few Individuals' that want to stay in 'Political Power'. 'Pettiness' overcomes 'Power'; and 'Real' Political Power 'weakens'. 'Plutocratic Egos' overcome 'Political Principles' and 'Political Language' and destroy Democracy. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.