Saturday, February 22, 2020

"Greed" is a characteristic of Human Nature; "Power" is a characteristic of Democracy.

"Greed" is a characteristic of Human Nature; "Power" is a characteristic of Democracy. 'Greed', to a Human Being, means 'More and more of a relentless quest for the 'same'; and that usually means something of 'Value' or 'Money'. 'Democracy' is characterized by the 'Freedom and Equality' of The 'Bottom', or the 'Real Individuals' of that 'Political Entity'. Those Individuals are 'Free' and can 'Equally' strive for 'Public Office'. Occupying 'Public Office' is 'Political Power', and occupying the 'Highest Office' in the Land is the 'Peak' of 'Political Power'. Of course, other Political Entities, like Autocracy, Plutocracy; and Oligarchy also have 'Political Power' at the Top. I don't know from where Autocracies get their Political Power, but Plutocracy is Government by the 'Rich' or 'Wealthy'; whereas 'Oligarchy' is Government by a 'few Individuals' who 'Monopolize' the Top, like a 'Family'. But, having lots of Money; being Rich, a Millionaire, a Billionaire may be Influential, but its not 'Power'. If Money was Power, Billionaires would not be running for Office. They already have Money. 'Public Office' in a 'Democracy' is 'Power', but only for a short while. So, if the Business Corporations 'sole, relentless function' is to make 'Profits', the Business Corporation is a 'Greed Machine'. Not only does it make profits, but that's the only thing it does. Hence, it would not be improper for the 'Business Corporation' to 'extend' its 'Function' and include 'other Democratic Functions,' or Duties. Why not require that 'Business Corporations', or 'Profit Machines', or 'Greed Machines' also function as Democratic Citizens? The Supreme Court so fit to declare them 'Persons' in 'contemplation of law'; so why not declare them 'Citizens', with all the 'attendant' Democratic Duties, and functions.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.