Sunday, February 23, 2020

Human Greed is based on a 'Human Decision'; Constitutional 'Persons' just 'function'; they dont 'decide'.

Human 'Greed' is based on a 'Human Decision'; Constitutional 'Persons' just 'function'; they don't 'decide'. A Human Being has to 'choose', to some extent, what She/he will do next. Business Corporations can only function as 'Huge Producers' of 'Products, Goods, and Items'. 'Failing to Produce Profits' is to fail 'to function'. That does not have anything to do with 'Decisions'! Of course, we all know that they 'Exist only' in 'Contemplation of Law', and what does that mean?..... that they exist only within 'Legal Discourse', or 'legal Talk', and not 'Discourse as Humans know 'Ordinary, 'everyday talk'? We live in a 'Social' populated with 'Economic Giants'. Now, please don't get me wrong. Corporations are necessary, but they must also have 'Other attributes' that make them 'more like a Person'. A 'Business Corporation' must also have 'characteristics', or 'Departments', that deal with functional 'Democratic Principles' in Society. To say it differently, they must recognize that in a Democratic Society, the 'Freedom and Equality' of all 'Real Persons' is very important; that does not mean that they must stop producing as 'Economic Giants'; only that, that is 'not' their 'sole function' and that 'Other aspects' of 'Personhood' are equally important. They must 'contribute' to the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'all Real Persons' within the Social... that too is their 'Constitutional Duty'. They must have 'Departments, and Functions' within their 'Corporate Nature' that contribute towards the realization of The 'Freedom and Equality' of 'Everyone' in the 'Social'.

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