Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Instead of relying on a Social Contract to connect the top and the bottom, its best to interpret the Constitution as formulating a Triadic form of government. Of course, it literally creates a government of three branches, but we don't perceive its underlying form as a triad. We immediately go to the the language in the Constitution and purport to interpret its provisions. There's nothing wrong with that approach: it has to be interpreted but, my point is that we cannot rely solely on its linguistic structure. We have to find the underlying form that led the Founding Fathers to craft a government of three branches. The reason for going under the language is to attenuate the deconstructive effects of the Linguistic turn. Political language is already intentionaly convoluted and if we add to that the deconstructive effects of the Turn, we're in serious trouble. The Turn just provides additional clutter. However, if we perceive the underlying form or the triadic nature of its linguistic structure, as being what the Founding Fathers were aiming at, we begin to see the reasons for a government with three Branches. In any democratic government, three branches are absolutely necessary and thats geometric. One branch governs, one determines the democratic manner of governing and the legislative branch passes laws to regulate the government and the people. Of course, the top must govern democratically and the Judiciary must be impartial. But,it's the bottom that creates the form of government, not the Top. If we assume that the Top created government, it must have also created the bottom, i.e. the People, and that's ridiculous. We are NOT a Kingdom nor a Dictatorship. In Constitutional government, its the People that are important. Democracy is government "of people", "by people", and-the most important part-"for the people". People are the essence of a democracy, not the government. Government owes its prestigious offices to the people. Government owes its very existence to the people. People were here first, they created government. From where did government gets its power to govern? From the bottom. No-where else.The only "entitlement" in this world is the prestige the people grant to office holders involved in the difficult work of governing. That 'difficult work' is the duty of the Top to govern in a democratic manner. Any benefits derived from government or the established economy should inure to the benefit of the people, not the government nor the top 1%. Otherwise, why create democratic government in the first place? We cannot depend on the Social Contract any longer. We have a triadic government where the people create the Top and the sides of that same government described in the Constitution. Triadic, geometric government, does not lie. Neither does mathmatics, nor number and the bottom of triadic government are the people; the bottom is Number.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.