Thursday, October 18, 2012

Its not the Social Contract, per se, that is in danger, its democratic government and the principles underlying the concept of democracy. In a democracy every individual is politically free and equal. Those two universal human qualities refer to the sanctity of the human condition. That's what is in danger: and the underlying sadness is that it is being overthrown by an economic principle; not even a better human principle nor a superior political principle. That economic principle is the medium of exchange used in the social. Obviously, money is a medium of exchange that must circulate within a wholesome political body. If we contain this circulation, the political body can become stagnant. The social will deconstruct. When the circulation of money in the form of personal income, personal ownership of property or, corporate income and corporate ownership of property, is restricted to the top 1%, there is no circulation of money in the form of jobs, wages, benefits or,generally speaking, as social and economic opportunities among the 99% at the bottom. Economic greed usurps democracy. Keep in mind, economic greed is the results of an economic principle gone oppressive. Its not even a political principle, much less a democratic principle. Economics must be kept out of politics. The greatest beneficiary of the economy are the corporations and they are not even human. They are legal fictions. How do we know that? Because the so-called 'learned Justices of the Supreme Court' said so! Ha! we've gone full circle to the so-called just, impartial arbitrars of democracy. If we can't get impartiality from the Court, from where are we going to get it? The Executive can be fair and democratic if, he or she chooses to be, if not, we have to live with him or her for at least 4 years. The legislatures function in a representative capacity but more often 'represent' their own self-interests or some lobbyists. The Judiciary is the only branch of government that has a duty to be impartial. They must develope interpretive practices that protect the democratic principles of a democracy as set out in the Constitution: "We the People...". That first phrase in the Constitution already excludes corporate fictions. Corporations are not counted in the census because they are fictions. The last place for Party politics in our democratic government is in the Judiciary. The Courts are not the place for political games. If they want to play politics they should run for office, not the Judiciary.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.