Monday, October 1, 2012

Whats the difference between "trickle down" economics and "trickle up" economics. Well, trickle down, whether beneficial or not, seems to occur naturally; probably because downhill is easier than uphill. Uphill takes dedication, stamina, and lots more effort. In democratic government, uphill has to be insidious and underhanded. Actually, in a capitalistic economic system, it requires a revamping of the proper structure of democratic government. The proper function of the Judicial Branch is to be impartial and police the system to insure that the people at the bottom get the benefits of the economic system in the form of jobs, wages, pensions, opportunities, medical assistance, etc.. Otherwise, why have a democracy? Some benefits should trickle down. Instead, the Judicial Branch has become a Party- institution that modifies interpretive-practices to follow Party-lines and favors big-money. Its unbelieveable, that such a "learned" Branch can be so perfidious, and underhanded. Of course, favoring big-money is favoring corporations. Favoring corporations is favoring "legal fictions that exist only in contemplation of law". How can a Supreme Court interpret law in favor of a fictional entity that, everyone knows,is not anything like a real person at the bottom of triadic government. Of course, its one thing to protect corporations, its quite another to continue giving them more fictional attributes. Or, is it about the corporate structure or is it about money? The Judicial Branch wants to keep the money at the top with the 1%. What kind of Alice-in-Wonderland scheme is being practiced by our "learned" branch? Political position has always meant "power". Authority also means power; now, money, instead of being a medium of exchange,means power. A Government of substance is being taken over by an economy dominated by fictions. Money in the hands of individuals, and money produced and manufactured by corporations has become power. Money has replaced the numbers in a real democracy. In a democracy, power is at the top, but its a power given from the bottom. Without the bottom, there is no need for a top or power. In a democratic society, the bottom still retains its strength in numbers. The bottom is number and number must be included in the equation called "democracy". The strength of the bottom is in its condition of "togetherness". The Constitutional right of a peaceable assembly is the Constitutional right to revolution.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.