Monday, April 8, 2013

Power is a much mis-understood term. There is no such thing within the personal, individual sphere. A political leader acquires the power of political office by virtue of the structure of government. Outside that office,( it can be said) s/he is powerless. Its only the political previledge that bestows such immense power. And,(it must be said) only a democratic form of governement can bestow such power, because it emmanates from the People in a condition of 'togetherness'. Persons cannot have power, they have different strengths and they also exert different influences. But, personal strength and influence is just personal strength and influence. Nothing is acquired from the 'social at large' because each individual in the social has the same 'freedom' and 'equality'. Money does not confer power, only the ability to purchase. However, a functionary of a democratic governmnt, regardless his strengths and personal influence, gets his/her political power by virtue of political office. There are no superior human beings in the world. Everyone on the planet is in the same 'boat'. Our only hope is that those in power will reflect wisely and try to continue the existence of the human race. Of course, every human being has an obligation to his/her own self; but, every politician has an obligation to our 'condition of togetherness'. Power only exists on the political sphere and International power only exists between Nations as Nations and only within an Internationally organized government. But International Government and power must seek equilibration between Nations just as National power must seek equilibration of the freedom and equality of each individual. Only the people can 'confer' power. There is no other way to acquire power in this world. The other ways are illusory and depend on guns, weapons, and money.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.