Monday, April 1, 2013

A democracy must function only with democratic principles. Of course, that's obvious, but what is not so obvious is the easy manner in which democratic principles co-mingle with economic principles. A well established democracy may have a capitalistic economy, but the principles or goals of capitalism can not be co-mingled with the basic principles of a democracy. Of course, profits and money are as essential to a well balanced economy as they are to a democracy. However, profits and money cannot be the 'motor' behind a democracy. Of course, they are the 'motor' of a capitalistic economy, but the 'motors' of democracy are the freedom and equality of the individuals. Government must protect and defend the freedom and equality of all individuals, while capitalism must circulate the medium of exchange, make profits, and encourage competition. Capitalism is about profits and money; democracy is about freedom and equality. One big problematic in politics arises when big corporations or very rich individuals begin to acquire control over government or government agencies and try to gain advantages over the democratic form. The result is government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy. That's what is happening with the so-called 1%. If the trend continues, the freedom and equality of all individuals will not 'motor' the democratic process. In such a case, the value system of the democracy is replaced with the value system of the economy. These value systems must be kept separate. Democracy will not work in a Nation where only the wealthy have a say-so in the governing process. Democracy will not work in a Nation ruled by the 1%. As soon as the People learn that democracy is about freedom and equality (not money), and as soon as they learn that the Constitution protects their right to 'assemble' and petition for redress of grievievances, they will 'assemble'. In the right circumstances, the people have a Constitutional Right to revolution.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.