Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The term "revolution" has acquired a bad connotation. Just like the terms,"riot", "demonstration", "uprising", and even the limited term "strike", are perceived as harmful to organized government and organized work. Of course, using these language terms in isolation is usually perceived in a negative manner. But, we must place these terms and other similar terms withing the context of the organized structure of government and of organized work. There is only one structure of government and that is the Constitutional structure, or stated differently, the triadic form of government. Any organized activity falling outside the triadic form of government is usually interpreted as being harmfull to the inner workings of organized government. But, that is not always the case. Sure, democratic government must follow the Constitutional structure and if it doesn't, then its not Constitutional. But, the nature of democratic government is founded on the freedom and equality of the people that inhabit triadic government. It is the People who help establish the government and who elect the representatives into the triadic form( A few exceptions, like appointing Supreme Court Justices). Once the government is established it continues to function from election to election in a 'Representative' manner. The term 'Representative' is also a term with many 'faces'. Thats a problem that exists in a democracy. The Founding Fathers knew that not all Representatives( in whatever office) were going to be faithful to their elected duties. Hence, the First Amendment; the freedom to assemble and petition for redress of grieviances. That is a right to revolution! Hence, the term "revolution" is Constitutional and a legitimate way for the People to bring about changes in a government that is going in the wrong direction. The term provides for action ( in the proper circumstances)within the structure of democratic government. The other terms have a similar denotation. The more limited term, "strike", allows workers to petition the corporate structure for better work 'conditions'. These terms allows People outside the 'structure' to petition for better conditions and for changes within the structure. Thats the only manner that a democracy can function. Otherwise, we are victims of the system. In the right circumstances, all these terms are democratic.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.