Saturday, December 21, 2013

In a Democracy, the People must live democratically

In a Democracy the essence of government is functionally at the Bottom. Why? Because the People at the Bottom are the ones who situate Representatives at the Top. However, once a representative, having ascended to the Top, the Bottom loses 'control' of the Representative. The individual who has ascended is now, for a particular period of time, in a position of power, but that individual is, in the first place, a human being who comes from the Bottom. Hence, the requirement that the people at the Bottom elect the 'best' representative to govern them. Its at this point that a democracy is faced with the problematic of Political Parties. Party ideologies differ, but its up to the individual who votes for them to determine which ideology is democratic. The extension of the Rights of the corporate "fiction" is not democratic. The economy and the corporations are not 'motored' by a democratic ideology. Their motivation is 'profits', not 'democracy'. Their goal is to provide a 'healthy economy' not a democratic social. Hence, the natural conflict between economies and governments. In democratic governments, the 'motor' is 'freedom' and 'equality' of each individual. In corporate economies, the motor is profits. If a real person values his/her freedom and equality, s/he must respect those values in the Other. Hence, the need to distinguish the difference between a real person and a 'Constitutional person'. Even though the Court saw a need for creating a "legal person", its not a requirement that the "persons" rights be extended. Enough is enough. This way of 'looking' at this matter would certainly weaken the influence of the 1%. If a person lived democratically, s/he would not discriminate against the human condition.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.