Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why does democracy work?

The only reason democracy works is the fact that the entire 'form' is dependent on the individual at the Bottom. Without the individual, democracy could not work. The reason for that is that any governmental form, other than a democracy, that originates at the Top and exercises power towards the Bottom, has to, eventually, justify the source of that power. The Divine Right of Kings had a theory about the "Kings two bodies". One body was 'Divine', the other was 'mundane'. The 'mundane' body allowed the King to be just one of the guys; while the 'Divine body' was used to justified the divine source of his power. In other words, he was half human and half Divinity. Furthermore, his 'power' and his 'political position' was inherited. In todays world, the Divine source of power doesn't work. Leaders assume their positions at the Top through inheritance, accident, force, fraud or the ballot box. In a democracy, its the ballot box. The Peoples at the Bottom vote the leaders in. Its not near perfect, but it works and, of course, also gives rise to political shenanigans by opposing political ideologues(Parties). But, the entire process is dependent on the individual, and hence, the vote. Even though imperfect, consider the 'form' of government as a 'whole', i.e. as a political entity. What, or who, is more important in the 'whole'; the political entity or the Individual? The former is abstract; the latter is 'real'. The latter does not have any 'attributed' power like the 'former'. But the individual in a relation of the Top and the Bottom, has his/her dignity and integrity as a human being and has 'strength' in the 'essential condition of togetherness' that they find themselves in. As individuals they, each, is an expression of 'Life', whereas the political entity is an abstraction, malleable, and can be changed; circumstances requiring such. Consider the following; " political entities don't create individuals, individuals create political entities". Democracy, although not perfect, is the most intelligent manner of arranging the relation of the Top and the Bottom.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.