Monday, December 30, 2013

Why is money harmful to democracy?

Its not the money per-se that is harmful, its the 'possessiveness' of some human beings. Money is a medium of exchange that was 'designed' to allow for 'barter' and 'exchanges' and ,of course, profits, in the economy. It is a 'quantifiable' medium, and hence has 'monitory' value, the end result of all economic activity. In the political field, the 'value' in a democracy is the absolute respect and retention of every human individual, his/her dignity, and her/his integrity. Since politics is about governing, and governing is about the relation of the Top to the Bottom, the preservation of the human condition is vital to a democratic government. Hence, the importance of the 'value' of democratic principles. However, a capitalistic economy cannot function without a 'profit' engine. No one goes into business with the intent of 'not making a profit'. Hence, the initial making of profits leads to further efforts to generate more profits. Its a 'constitutive' aspect of working in the economy and it's cumulative and, we could even call it, 'contagious'. The problem arises when the 'profit motive' dominates the functioning and the thinking of the representatives of government or when the 'rich' want to get involved in government for the sole purpose of protecting or generating more 'profits'. The freedom and equality of every individual are the only values of a functioning democracy. Government should not concern itself with anything else. The two value systems must be kept separate from each other. Government will never function with profits as its engine; and the economy will never function with the principles of freedom and equality as it's engine. This division of 'labor' is easily perceived, so why is it so entangled with the activities of government? Obviously, and unfortunately, its the 'greedy' and 'possessive' nature of the human condition. We always seem to think that 'anything' and 'everything' can be accomplished if we only had lots of money. We should try living in an Autocracy, a Plutocracy, or an Oligarchy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.