Thursday, February 16, 2017

If, a Political Entity, such as a Nation, is driven by an 'Economic motor', the Nation will Self-Destruct.

Politics has a purpose; that 'purpose' is to drive a 'political entity' with 'Political Principles'. The Principles of such a Government determines if its Democratic, Plutocratic, Oligarchic, or Dictatorial. We know that the Top of a Political entity has the Power to govern. If Democratic, the Government is "of the People"; "by the People"; and "for the People". If Plutocratic the Government is "by the Rich", and "for the Rich"; if Oligarchic, the Government is by the "few", and "for the few"; if Dictatorial, Government is by the 'One' and for the 'One'. Everyone knows this. But, have you considered Government by the 'Economy'? Well, it will be said, the 'economy cannot govern'. Of course, the 'economy' is not a 'political entity'(the reason being that an economy can only 'work', or 'function', if it makes a Profit). Democratic Government is not about making Profits. Democratic Government is about the Freedom and Equality of each and every Real Individual who 'Live', 'Work' and 'Play', at the Bottom of a Political entity. But, Democracies, like all other Forms of Government, also have an 'Economy'. Corporations, to be sure, are important parts of any 'economy', and they are described by Law, as 'Legal Fictions', because they are 'not Real Persons'. Corporations are the only "Fictitious Persons" who, 'Live', 'Work', and 'Play' in the economy'. Beyond that, an economy has no "Real Persons". The 'result' of that reasoning is that we can 'clearly' see that a so-called 'economy' is 'solely driven' by the "Corporate Nature" and the 'Motor' called 'Profits'. It has no other purpose for existing. The motor for Democratic Politics is the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every 'Real Individual' in the Social. A 'Democratic Political Motor' cannot survive in a purely 'Economic Entity' and an 'Economic Motor' cannot survive in a 'Real Democracy'. They must co-exist in the Nation, but they must be kept 'Separate'. They cannot 'inextricably intermix'. Now, Picture this: ' A 'Democratic Government' run and operated by CEO's at the Top, and who appoint CEO's for the Cabinet, and who will 'run' and 'operate' the 'Democracy' with 'Economic Principles', instead of Democratic Political Principles; what are the consequences for that Democracy? Anyone, and everyone, can see that the 'Democracy' will slowly, but surely, 'Self-Destruct'. Democracy is about Governing with 'political principles', and economies are about 'making Profits'. They can co-exist, but neither can 'drive' the Other.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.