Friday, February 3, 2017

A Corporate Society cannot be Democratic.

A corporate society cannot be Democratic because the essence of corporate activity is to make a Profit. A Corporation that does not make a Profit, by its very nature, will not survive in the Social. A corporate Society will always place the survival of the corporation as the primary concern of 'Corporate Functionalism'; whereas,a democratic Society will always place the 'Freedom and Equality' of the 'Individual' as the primary concern of the Society. Of course, the essence of survival in either form of Society or Nation, requires a Three-Forked approach to governing the Social. Why a Three-Forked approach? Simply because, Governing a Social, or, more correctly, 'a condition of togetherness', requires 'laws' for control of the interactions of the Individuals in the 'condition of togetherness'; to wit, an Executive branch; a legislative Branch and a Judicial Branch. If the Social is a 'corporate social', its primary concern will always be the making of Profits. Since, successful businesses cannot be run on a 'motor' of Freedom and Equality in the social, it must strive with the motor called 'making a Profit'. Whereas, a Democratic Social will emphasize the Freedom and Equality of each and every Individual in the 'condition of togetherness'. That's Governing! A Corporate Social will always need to make Profits. There's nothing wrong with Profits, but Corporations are 'legal Fictions' and the basis of Governing is Freedom and Equality of the 'real Individuals'; not the Legal Fictions. The Legal Fictions are 'economic constructions' called "persons" which are entitled to legal protection under the Constitution. But, the 'initial mistake' of calling them "Persons" should not imply that they are "real Human Persons" and that they are entitled to all the protections that 'Real Human Beings' have under the Constitution. They are 'artificial' and they should be recognized as artificial, and they should also be 'compelled', legally, to live 'democratically', like all 'real persons' are compelled. 'Corporations' are an 'invention' of the 'Economy'; and an 'Economy' cannot 'Govern' a People. Where are the Statesmen?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.