Friday, February 24, 2017

Democracy can be the best Government in the World; but, the People must protect the 'Political Engine' and the 'Ideologies' that 'drives' it.

A 'Real Democracy' is the best Government in the World; but, the People must 'cultivate' and 'protect' the 'Engine' and the 'Political Ideology' that drives it, viz., the Freedom and Equality of 'each and every Real Individual' situated at the Bottom of the Government Triad. That is not as simple as it may sound. One of the biggest barriers, to a 'real Democratic Engine', is the division into Political Parties. The second barrier is the creation of 'artificial Persons', or the so-called 'Corporate Nature'. The First barrier 'saps' the basic 'energy of democracy', or, the 'Engine itself', into opposite political factions that oppose each Other; while the Second barrier 'diffuses' the democratic 'values' of Freedom and Equality by creating 'artificial human beings', or 'Persons'. The Corporate Nature is not real; it only exists in 'contemplation of law'. Its a Legal Fiction. In relation to the first Barrier, is it possible that the two Parties are both 'Democratic' in Ideology? If that was the case, the 'difference' in the 'Democratic goals' would be 'similar', although the 'means' of achievement might be different. Is that the case, or, are they, in fact, 'in opposition'. Well, there might be some 'similarity' in the Parties Political Ideology, but history tells us, that Political Parties have always been in 'opposition'. In some cases they are even referred to as 'The Opposition'( and never shall the twain meet). The Second Barrier is that the Corporate nature has become a 'Person' like you and I, and that 'Corporate Person' keeps acquiring 'more and more' 'human characteristics'. Today, it can even 'participate in Politics' by 'giving Money' to campaigns and the Political process. The Democratic Party 'purportedly' favors the Freedom and Equality of the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom of the Government Triad; while the Republican Party favors the 'Republic nature' of the Government; the 'Corporate nature' of the social; and the so-called 1%, i.e.,those Individuals who hold the 'medium of exchange'(money) hostage. Consequently, the 'political engine' of 'Freedom and Equality has been divided into 'opposite Parties'; and the 'democratic values' of being a Government "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People", can now also include 'Legal Fictions" that do 'not really exist'. The First creates 'unnecessary friction', and, the Second creates 'artificial human beings', i.e., 'Legal Fictions', both, of which, 'saps' and 'diffuses' the 'energy' of Real Democracy and actually creates a 'Capitalistic Economy' instead of a 'Real Democratic Government'. Where are the Statesmen?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.