Saturday, March 4, 2017

Democracy 'slips' into 'Plutocracy or Capitalism' ; and then, claims to be a 'Democracy'.

Ponder the transitional states from a 'Democratic Political Ideology' to a 'Capitalistic Economic Ideology'. The Freedom and Equality which applies to each and every Real Individual in the Social, acquires 'too much slippage' and then 'gradually slips' into an 'Economic Posture'. That 'economic posture' must be 'motored' by 'Profits' and requires 'more and more' of the same,viz., a 'medium of exchange' called 'Money'. If an economy is not motored by Profits, it will not be considered 'successful enough' to support all the Real People at the Bottom of Democratic Government. That's exactly what has happened. Unfortunately, the end result is that the 'medium of exchange'( money) has been hoarded by the 1%. Of course, the 'economy' is necessary in a Democracy but, the 'hoarding' is not; its a Medium of exchange. It's not that difficult to see, that a 'successful economy' is one thing, and using the 'Motor' of 'that economy' as the 'motor' of a Democracy is quite another thing. An 'Economy' cannot be motored by 'Freedom and Equality', it must be motored by 'Profits'. Of course, the reverse is also true; a Democracy cannot be motored by Profits, it must be motored by Freedom and Equality. A 'Profits motor' in a 'Democracy' will not work.( Never shall the Twain meet) So, the question is how did we get that way, or how did the 'human condition' allow such a 'problematic' to take place. Well, the truth is that it was not the 'human condition', as such, but the 'so-called human condition' of the so-called 1%. Its Sad, but its true. The so-called 'human condition' of the (1%) has been 'overcome' by 'Greed'. Yes, the 1% has lost that 'true feeling' of what 'Freedom and Equality' for everyone, 'is really about', and, sadly, they have replaced it with an 'economic value system' that can only run on 'Money". Money is a fiction; Corporations are legal Fictions; the 'size and value' of corporations is based on their 'valuations', which is founded on 'fictional assets'. Are we in Alice in Wonderland? How Sad, 'Fiction' has taken over 'Reality'. You 'wanna bet' that 'War' is not a fiction???

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.