Monday, March 13, 2017

The Plutocrats are in the 'White House', but; "the Condition of Togetherness" has 'Integrity'.

Political Theory is clear; a Democracy is a Government "of the People"; "by the People"; and "for the People". The People, at the Bottom of Government, set the 'pace' for all 'Political activity' within the Nation. 'All the People', at the 'Bottom of Government', constitute a "Condition of Togetherness". Of course, every Nation also needs an Economy. That's clear also. But, there's a 'huge difference' between a Political system being 'motored' or 'driven' by 'Freedom and Equality', and one being 'motored' or 'driven', by 'economic principles'. To be sure, a Democratic political system cannot survive the so-called 'economic motor' or 'profits' motor of the economy. If the Plutocrats are in the White House, democracy will slowly ( maybe not so slowly) deconstruct. Already we read that the slogan " make America Great again" does not apply to the Plutocrats, or their Family; nor will they apply to the Plutocrats in the 'Bandido Cabinet'. Manufacturing has received a 'little help'; but everyone else, or, the 'Service Industry', was completely excluded.( the 'Minimum Wage' will not go up; "they get enough already") Well, the "legal fictions", or the "Corporations" are the ones who do the 'manufacturing',( not the little guy), and the 'Plutocrats in the White House' "own the Corporations"; so how does that add up? Simply; Democracy is dying or dead! The Plutocrats are 'in'. Government is 'no longer a Democratic Government', or, a 'democratic Institution'; the machinery of Government 'no longer functions' for the benefit of the "People". How sad. But, remember, "the People", at the Bottom', the 99%, are still 'alive and well'. They can still 'organize'; and never forget, the 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom of Government is still "a condition"; a condition "of people", "by People"; and "for People". "Democratic Government" may be at a 'stand-still' but, the 'Condition of Togetherness', is 'alive and well', and the 'condition' has Integrity.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.