Thursday, March 16, 2017

The 'Integrity' of the 'Condition' means the Individuals are 'Real' and they retain their 'Unique Individuality".

The 'Integrity' of the 'Condition of Togetherness' means that the 'Real' Individuals that constitute the 'Condition' retain their Real and Unique Individuality. 'Corporations' are 'not real' because they exist only 'in contemplation of Law'. Each 'Real Human Being' retains his Individuality and never lose's the realness of his/her Nature. Each Individual counts; each has uniqueness and is included in composing the 'condition of togetherness'. In other words, each Individual is part of the 'Social'.( there's that word again) But, notice how easy we 'slide into language' and use words that are very 'high level abstractions', and although a Noun, does not convey the 'real nature' of being a 'Real Individual'. Abstractions tend to be 'empty and vacuous' and their 'generality' 'free floats' above 'Realness', suffering, and pain. Corporations are not 'Real'. They are 'clusters of 'invented economic units' that also exist in the 'Social', but that are 'given more Reality' than the Human condition. Why? Simply because we are no longer a 'Real Democracy'; we are a Capitalistic Economy, and Capitalism is 'Driven by Profits'. Capitalism rules; and Democracy has 'attenuated itself' into a heap of 'real, mangled, parts, or bodies', that need an economy in order to survive in a 'Surreal World'. Capitalism; Corporate Society; 'Alice in Wonderland'; the Surreal; Rules. I am One; I am Real; You are One; You are Real; We are Many; We are real; and our 'condition of togetherness' is Real. But, the Surreal (1%) rules. Try to notice how the 1% will 'never grow' into the 5%. The 1% never grows, it just gets 'Fatter', and 'Fatter', but always remains the 1%. That's all. You wonder why the 1% never gets 'larger'? Because, it 'excludes' the Real, the Real Individuals that really 'count', and only includes the 'Surreal'. How sad. We live in Alice in Wonderland and we 'dream' of living in 'Freedom and Equality'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.